
Your dog’s development

A dog’s development is exciting to follow. It is really interesting to find out about the different stages a dog goes through as it grows, and what to expect during each one.

Here, we’ve gathered lots of interesting information about your dog’s development, what changes in behaviour and physiology you should expect and different ways in which you can train your dog.

Separation training – teach your dog to be alone

All dog owners need to be able to leave their dog on its own from time to time, but since dogs are pack animals that enjoy the company of others, it can take time to get your puppy used to being by itself. Your puppy or dog needs training on how to be alone. Our advice is to start separation training early, when the dog is still a puppy, and slowly but surely increase the degree of separation at a pace that suits your puppy. This reduces the risk of your dog developing destructive behaviour, such as barking or chewing things when it’s alone.

Fear episodes – Has your dog suddenly begun to be scared of everything?

If when your puppy’s around five months old, you notice that it suddenly becomes afraid of things that it’s previously been completely ok with for no reason at all, it’s probably because it has entered a so-called fear period. Dogs’ fear periods happen as dogs approach puberty, but don’t last as long as their entire adolescence. With the right knowledge, you can guide your dog through fear periods without risking any problems lingering into adulthood.

Socialising and training puppies

When and how should you start socialising your puppy and getting them used to their environment? At an early age, puppies are extremely receptive to social stimuli, which makes it the perfect time for training and helping the puppy learn about the world around them. When you train your puppy in its environment, you lay the foundations for having a calm adult dog that behaves well in new situations and with different people. Bozita has put together a practical “checklist” of common situations to introduce to your puppy that will help them with socialisation and environment training.

Unruly adolescents – Tips for your dog’s teenage period

Unfortunately, all cute puppies grow up and suddenly change into troublesome teenage dogs who don’t do as they’re told. The best way to deal with a dog that’s entered a rebellious stage is to understand that the dog isn’t yet an adult, and keep trying to build on the relationship you’ve already created. Here are tips on how to deal with your dog’s rebelliousness.

Your puppy’s development – from puppy to adult dog

When they’re born, puppies are more or less helpless, but they quickly grow up to be independent individuals with completely unique personalities. Following a dog’s journey through the phases of life is an amazing experience. By learning about the different development stages of your puppy and dog, it is easier to understand their behaviour and how you should respond to them.